Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Open Source Zen

As the gate of heaven opens and closes,
Can you be impassive?
As understanding reaches everywhere,
Can you be innocent?
Producing and developing,
Producing without possessing,
Doing without presuming,
Growing without domineering:
This is called mysterious power.

- Tao-te Ching

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Geeky lazy goodness

Late last year I got myself a laptop to make my schoolwork more portable. Now that I have one I'm seeing just what kind of neat things I can do with it. It's running Mepis Linux 6.5, which mostly "just works". It even has pretty 3D Desktop graphics. :D The only things that don't work perfectly are KPhone (have to figure out how to make it work with bluetooth, see last post about lack of copious spare time) and suspend. Suspend complains that it has a problem with the network card driver rt2500. Two things that I'm sure will be solved when the spare time comes back :D

The vast majority of stuff on the lappy works just fine, including the wireless / bluetooth combo card. This allows me to do stuff I never dreamed about when I was younger (in the electric typewriter days). One night, I was working on the laptop and husband mentioned he saw an interesting interview with Harry Blackstone who plays the main character on the TV series The Dresden Files. It's a very cool series, based on even more cool books by Jim Butcher, about a freelance wizard in Chicago who works for Chicago PD to make ends meet. From the comfort of the recliner, I brought up the site and viewed the videos while Dan & Georgia (roomie) looked on. Multimedia over a wireless connection, with the feet up. Life is good. I'm thinking that now we can also do things like catch TV shows we missed from their websites (where such a thing exists). Of course, eventually we'll have a DVR for the missed shows, but for now this is kewel.

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I aintent dead

My social life and web time got swallowed by college. I'm just months away from completing my Bachelor's in Network Management (applied computer science). This is the semester from a nether region, as I'm taking 4 classes (12 credit hours) and still have a full time job. It's not that it's more work than previous 12 credit hour semesters, but it's a lot to keep track of. After this semester, my course load will lighten during the home stretch. Yay.