Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Star Wars to be re-released in 3D - I'm afeared

Every time LucasFilms "updates" the Star Wars story, there's a decent chance of shite being introduced. Witness - JarJar. So, as much as I'd love to see Tai Fighters pew pew'ing at each other (sound in space, we know) in 3D, what badness might we have to endure? Will it be worth it?

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Open Office divorcing Sun and to be called LibreOffice

To quote from the article:
While OpenOffice had a successful development track record, it was also the code base for Sun's StarOffice so features were broadly developed to serve that goal.
From now on, though, OpenOffice's development and direction will be decided by a steering committee of developers and national language project managers.
Hopefully, this will mean that LibreOffice can take the development into different, more creative directions dictated by what users want than what will serve Sun Office. Mind you, I'm grateful for all the features that are currently in the OO suite, which have been at least partly driven by user feedback. I use the suite myself on a regular basis. I think that it can do better than aping that other commercial office suite.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Generate Your Own Daily Mail Headlines!

American readers will recognize the similarity to NeoCon party lines of paranoia and/or Fox News.

Thoughtfully stolen from Mark's Things

Sunday, September 12, 2010

While we're on the subject of Tom Lehrer

National Brotherhood Week - It's even still applicable today. To get one of the verses - Mr. Lehrer was Jewish (as was I once upon a time). It's true, even Muslims hate us.... or at least I'm told we're not good enough to date ;)

Instant Elements!

I didn't think there was a way to improve on Tom Lehrer, but technology has proven me wrong. OK, so Neatorama and Boing Boing got to it first, but I stole it from my good & dear friend Firebird.

Farewell to Facebook

Soon I shall be free of the craptacular experience that has been Facebook. If you have ever had an account, I probably don't need to explain. You can start with Farmville & end with "and today I washed my hair". There are tons of other well documented & wise reasons to leave. I can say I tried it & I didn't like it. I won't just be disabling my account, but deleting it.

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Blogging is so much easier when you don't take it overly seriously

Once upon a time, I thought I had to write Long Meaningful Posts to be worthy of hitting the Submit button on this thing. The result was that this thing languished for a long time.

If it's one thing Facebook (shudder) taught me, it's that I do have the capacity to write short posts which people find interesting. To me, they are at least more interesting than the usual fare on Facebook. People were commenting & hitting "like" on at least some of my entries on Facebook. Then I realized - who cares if anyone else finds this interesting? Who cares if it's not Great Literature that gets published every day?

Blog on.

Whattaya know, Twitter had a useful moment today

Thanks to the Sarcasmist for the story

Did you see the HTML5 Google logo today? Follow the bouncing ball.

'Larry and Sergey's HTML5 balls drained my resources'
I love El Reg.

Sunday, September 05, 2010

It drew attention to the issue, but not in the way they expected

"Symantec Snoop Dogg rap contest site rickrolled - #hackiswacked"
I love El Reg.

Friday, September 03, 2010

That about sums it up.

The sad part is, I know people who sound a awful lot like this guy. Being that they are comfortable in their Christian white world, they have no incentive to read their history to see the things that were said about the Jews before the World Wars, which also started with small stereotypes.